Review: Playing with Fire

*** 3 indecisive stars ***
"Hey, this means Warriors have finally got all the letters in LGBT!"
I struggled to get involved with the characters, and finish the story. Robert was a sweetheart. Liam was an indecisive prick sometimes. I feel Robert deserved to be treated a lot better than he was by Liam.
"We don't work the way we used to." Liam's chest tightened. Here it comes. A minute from now, my BFF will be my BFNMBNLFYST (Best Friend No More Because Nothing Lasts Forever You Stupid Twit).
"It's my fault," Robert said. "I know it. You know it."
You kinda was a twit, Liam. I didn't really understand what your problem was to get together! They both had been pining for each other for a while. I kinda expected a great build up, of the getting together, but they
(show spoiler)A lot of back and forth, is what.
I dipped into 2-2,5 stars rating at some point, but I settled on a bit generous 3 stars. I'm still continuing with the series, though, when the next books are out.