Review: Scrooged Over

* 1,5 hairy stars *
Wow, this was quite awful. I didn't like this at all.
Deke was the Grinch personified. He was such a jerk, bordering on obnoxious. He hates Christmas, and was a loudmouth about it. I get that he was a radio host, and Deke and Dudley's supposedly friendly banter was part of the show. Dudley could hold his own, but some of the things Deke said to him were just plain rude, and offputting. Their on-air banter was supposed to be funny, but it fell short. It was like a joke that no one laughs at, and it just made me wince in discomfort, and in sympathy of Dudley.
I did like Dudley to an extent. He was just a happy, positive, Christmas loving guy, with an unrequited crush on his co-host. I didn't understand what he saw in Deke, though, since he was such an ass. But that might be his attraction to Deke?
"Then he [Deke] stood and pulled his pants partway down in the back. There was the ass--part of it-- all pale and perfect, covered in dark hair Dudley wanted stuck in his teeth."
Uhm.... ew. To each his own, I guess?
Not only was Deke a (hairy) ass in regards to what he said to Dudley, but also what he did. I'm not spoiling the things he did, but let me just say, I wanted to strangle Deke with those Christmas lights! Dudley seemed unfazed by Deke's digs, though.
"Deke's sarcasm was as thick as his chest hair."
And he continues to moon, and daydream about Deke.
"He wanted to take him into the john after the show and whip out Frosty's proboscis. He wanted to lick Deke's freeform candy cane and toy with each other's dangling Christmas balls. Dudley dreamed of working Deke's knot with tongue and his finger until he opened the gift of his hot, sexy ass."
Uhm... EW.
All in all, the writing was bad, the descriptions were bad, Deke was bad, the romance was bad, and the brief (thank god) sex scene was one the most unsexy I have ever read. I would have welcomed a fade to black.
I'm sorry to say I didn't like this at all. It put me in an un-Christmas-y mood. Such a bummer, since the cover held a promise of a sweet story.