Review: Afraid to Fly - Anchor Point series #2

Afraid to Fly - L.A. Witt

“I love you, Travis. You and all your dings and dents.”

This time I managed to laugh, and drew him in. “I love you too.” Brushing and lips across his, I added, “Dings, dents, and all.”


Ahhh Travis and Clint, how I very much enjoyed thee. Dings, dents, and all.


Afraid to fly is about two well-seasoned men and officers who have lost a lot, both in life and love. They haven’t had an easy life, and are both struggling daily with the curve-balls life has thrown them. They’re both scarred, they’re both messed up mentally from their work in the military, they’re both scared at taking new chances, they’re both not looking for love, but they secretly want it, even though it scares them shitless, and don’t think they deserve it since they don’t want their own mess to be a burden for another person. They both get their second chance at love in this book.



Commander Wilson Travis (45) and Lieutenant Commander Clint Fraser (40) have both been admiring and lusting after each other from afar for a while, but nothing more since they don’t know if the other is gay/bi, until Clint brings his (soon to be x-) boyfriend to the Navy ball. The attraction and interest between Travis and Clint escalates quickly since they now know each other’s preferences, and they meet in a whirlwind of passion.


”If it’s not too forward,” he said, lips barely leaving mine, “I would kill to see you naked right now.”

Holy fuck. He was direct, and dirty, and… dressed. Why were we dressed?


And why the hell did the Navy insist on so many buttons?


Oh my lord, can LA Witt write a scorching hot kissing, sex, no passion scene, I should call it. These guys go at it like the world is on fire. If it were, they probably wouldn’t have noticed.They only have eyes for each other, and I could practically feel their sizzling hotness through my Kindle.


Travis hurt his back when his jet crash landed on an aircraft carrier in rough sea several years back, so he deals with chronic back pain daily with better and worse days. This has an effect on his sex life, since he is unable to do anal. I didn’t miss it at all. I feel Travis and Clint had a great and fulfilling sex life with blowjobs and hand jobs. The sex scenes and their passion was amazing.



The story is low on angst even though it has several heavy subjects. Both Travis and Clint is suffering from PTSD, they get flash backs and have nightmares. I really liked how they worked together to managed that, when they finally talked to each other about it. They both have a tendency to down play or toughen out when they’re having an episode, or when Travis’s back is killing him, but when they get to know each other better they can tell something is up with the other and can confront. Travis is dealing with his fear of relationship since he fell so deeply in love with another man several years back, but it ended badly and scared Travis off falling in love, and having a relationship. Clint is a recovering alcoholic, and is dealing with the fallout from his drunkenness (due to PTSD from his missions), his divorce and his kids. I feel all these subjects were handled well, and they fitted into the story. It didn’t feel heavy, and it was clear the main characters were adults so they talked and didn’t freak out (much). Travis had a stupid moment near the end, but Clint didn’t take it lying down and went after Travis and made him see sense.


I loved how everything wasn’t an easy fix. Travis and Clint will have their issues, but now they can face them together. There was the sweetest epilogue from Paul and Sean’s wedding (#1 Just Drive), where some of the future steps for Travis and Clint is hinted at.


Afraid to Fly is the second book in LA Witt’s Anchor Point series. I loved the first book, Just Drive, where the characters had an age gap of about twenty years. In Afraid to Fly both characters are in their forties, and I loved this story too. Recommended if you like low angst, and well-seasoned men with issues getting a second chance at love and life.


”I love you too. (…) Dings, dents, and all.”