Mostly reading MM romance. Just sharing my love of books.
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Reading Challenge 2016
Read (830)
Planning to read (1121)
Currently reading (0)
Favorite (0)
Wishlist (3)
Reviewed (652)
4 stars (1)
5 stars (79)
abandoned (18)
absolute-favorites (45)
all-time-favorites (6)
audio wishlist (34)
audio-not-recommended (2)
audiobook (127)
audiobook dramatized (1)
author Geoffrey Knight (11)
author Heidi Cullinan (10)
author JL Merrow (18)
author Josephine Myles (8)
author Lisa Henry (7)
author NR Walker (7)
author Rhys Ford (7)
book anthologies (113)
books for burning for heating (1)
buddy reads (75)
favorites (53)
freebie (152)
frisky friday buddy porn read (6)
genre chick lit (1)
genre dystopia (26)
genre erotica (179)
genre fan fiction sherlock (1)
genre fan fiction sterek (7)
genre fantasy (60)
genre ff (1)
genre futuristic (17)
genre historical (61)
genre horror (5)
genre humor (79)
genre laugh out loud lmao-book (21)
genre manga yaoi (1)
genre mf (188)
genre mfm (22)
genre mm (1250)
genre mmf (23)
genre mmm (52)
genre mmmmmm (5)
genre mystery or crime (129)
genre other (1)
genre scary (20)
genre sci-fi (77)
genre steampunk (5)
genre thriller (8)
genre young adult (23)
gift-from-secret-santa (7)
Hot Hot Hot (214)
kindle-unlimited (3)
maybe-or-maybe-not (18)
MM group 2011 Hot Summer Days (90)
MM group 2012 Love Is Always Write (2)
MM group 2013 Love Has No Boundries (13)
MM group 2014 Love Landscapes (17)
MM group 2015 Love is an Open Road (10)
MM romance group on GR (112)
my memorable characters (74)
Narrator Andrew Mcferrin (1)
Narrator Greg Tremblay (16)
Narrator Iggy Toma (6)
Narrator Kevin R Free (1)
Narrator Matt Baca (2)
Narrator Matthew Shaw (2)
Narrator Sean Crisden (6)
Narrator Tristan James (2)
no-no-no (16)
norwegian writer and or setting (2)
on-hold-to-another-day (8)
own in folder (177)
own it (100)
own it bought but not read (596)
own paperback (6)
own pdf on my phone (10)
part of a series (508)
plagiarism (1)
pov 1st person (110)
pov 3rd person (217)
pov alternating (167)
profession assassins or spies (3)
profession athletes (18)
profession bikers (15)
profession cowboys (24)
profession domme (10)
profession emts lifeguard bodyguard (5)
profession escort or rent-boy (16)
profession firemen (11)
profession gamers (5)
profession law enforcement (110)
profession military uniform (56)
profession pirates (2)
profession priest minister clergy (1)
publisher allromance ebooks (232)
publisher amazon (205)
publisher amazon freebie (65)
publisher audible (87)
publisher audible co uk (1)
publisher don't remember (3)
publisher dreamspinnerspress (59)
publisher dsp publications (5)
publisher loose id publishing (2)
publisher mlr press (4)
publisher pride publishing (2)
publisher riptide publishing (9)
publisher samhain publishing (14)
publisher smashwords (7)
read in 2012 (2)
read long ago but not rated or revi (154)
recommended by dani (40)
recommended by FB book club (1)
recommended by julie (11)
recommended by my friends (88)
recommended by rosa really (5)
reviews by MMarte (1)
serie adrien english mysteries (5)
serie alluring indulgence (5)
serie beyond (12)
serie blind faith (4)
serie collars cuffs (4)
serie colorado mountain (4)
serie cut and run (14)
serie deputy joe (5)
serie dirtydeeds (1)
serie distance-between-us (5)
serie dream man (4)
serie fathoms five (1)
serie florida books (1)
serie guards of folsom (3)
serie hell and high water (6)
serie market garden (7)
serie masters and mercenaries (5)
serie more heat than the-sun (7)
serie new haven (8)
serie psycop (14)
serie red dirt heart (4)
serie red hot seals (3)
serie rock chick (8)
serie scanguards (13)
serie sinners gin (1)
serie sinners on tour (8)
serie tales from foster high (5)
serie the plumbers mate (2)
serie thirds (4)
serie unfinished hero (3)
serie upending tad (2)
serie zero at the bone (4)
series red dirt heart (0)
setting in australia (13)
setting in germany (1)
setting in norway (2)
setting in UK (47)
setting south africa (1)
sex content bdsm kinky (189)
sex content bdsm switch (1)
shorties (454)
shorties medium (48)
species aliens or spacemen (11)
species demons (7)
species elves (2)
species shifters (37)
species vampire (47)
species wolf or werewolf (44)
species zombies (19)
sweetie knows best what I will love (34)
tbr again (11)
tbr soon shifters (1)
tbr very soon (18)
tbr very soon shorties (9)
theme action or adventure (22)
theme alpha male (40)
theme angels gods mythical (7)
theme apocalypse (15)
theme children supporting character (14)
theme christmas (37)
theme college (31)
theme coming out (40)
theme dark (11)
theme deafness (4)
theme disability (4)
theme dub con (1)
theme fem dom (3)
theme gfy (85)
theme ghosts (13)
theme magic (18)
theme music (5)
theme mythology (1)
theme paranormal psychic (82)
theme rock stars (13)
theme romance soothing-balm (22)
theme sickness and health issues (7)
theme special ops (6)
theme superhero (1)
theme suspense (108)
theme time travel (1)
theme vikings (5)
theme wild west (4)
theme witness protection (3)
themecrying your heart out (7)
to be published (38)
to be reviewed (1)
to buy wishlist (1)
tweetaway (4)
updates by MMarte (0)
waiting for next book (11)
weird shit shelf (4)
whispersync amazon (3)
won't read (2)
wow (44)
Unshelved (182)